Innovations in Healthcare

2009 is coming to a close. The healthcare debate continues as does one of the primary reasons blamed for the explosion of healthcare costs; innovations in healthcare. CNN has just issued its top ten health innovations for 2009 (, 5th on the list repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. This treatment is now available in 31 states and the demand is growing. Research continues to generate potential new uses for this device as well. Current diagnosis/conditions being studied for rTMS therapy are Parkinson’s disease, depression, tinnitus, stroke, chronic pain, migraines……….and the list goes on. With mild side effects this non-systemic, non-invasive therapy has minimal downside beyond the expense and limited third party reimbursement. The limited third party reimbursement places responsibility on the consumer for demanding access to this innovative, FDA cleared therapy. The costs of healthcare rise and innovation is in part to blame but we should be very happy about innovation and the improved quality of life it can bring.

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